
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Philosophical Notebooks

Fall 2008 :: Current Issue

Contributors – Fall 2008

Canyon, Merina

MERINA CANYON wants nothing more than to drop her own personal story. At the same time, she adores good storytelling. She writes from her cottage in the Pacific Northwest where she contemplates why certain stories call to her. She spends the rainy season teaching writing and dreaming of blue skies and red rock canyons. She is currently at work on a journal of spiritual breakdown and a collection of short stories.

Dresher, Olivia

OLIVIA DRESHER is a writer, anthologist and publisher. Her poetry, essays and notebook fragments have appeared in a wide variety of publications. She is the editor of In Pieces: An Anthology of Fragmentary Writing and co-editor of the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art. Her complete bio can be found at her website,

Ednie, Catherine

CATHERINE EDNIE has a BA in religion from Swarthmore College and an MBA from the University of Oregon. She lives in Stamford, Connecticut, and works in the field of Information Technology.

Firimita, Florin

FLORIN ION FIRIMITA is a visual artist, teacher, and author who was born and raised in Romania. His writing has been published in the U.S. and Europe, and his artwork can be found in public and private collections in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. “The Art of Leaving,” a documentary film about his life and art, was released in 2003. Florin writes, “I am interested in exploring universal themes through private questions. I am preoccupied with the issues of identity, love, death, loss, reality versus fiction, dreams and memories.” Visit his website at

Frakes, Clint

CLINT FRAKES was selected by Mark Strand as one of the Best New Poets of 2008 for an anthology of the same title. In 2006 he received the James Vaughan and Peggy Ferris awards for poetry. He is a graduate of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute, the Northern Arizona University writing program, and received his Ph.D. with emphasis in creative writing from the University of Hawaii in 2006. He has appeared in over fifty journals in North America, England, Australia and Argentina since 1987 with recent work appearing in Bamboo Ridge, Bottle of Smoke, Cause and Effect and Language and Culture. He is the former chief editor of Hawaii Review and Big Rain, currently working as a freelance writer and editor in northern Arizona.

Gauthier, Guy

GUY GAUTHIER was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His plays have been performed in New York, Canada and overseas, and his poetry has appeared in U.S., Canadian and European publications. His published books include a poetry chapbook, North of the Temperate Zone, and two books of journal writing: Water & Earth: A Journal (Impassio Press) and Journal 5.1 (Les Editions du Blé). He has lived in New York since 1969, and has kept a journal since 1971.

Greenwood, Kimble James

KIMBLE JAMES GREENWOOD has been writing personal journals for over 40 years and keeping Commonplace Books for over 30 years. He studies depth psychology, erotics and literature, and was a contributor to the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art, edited by Olivia Dresher and Victor Muñoz. He raises his son Pan in the shadow of the Olympic mountains.

Krause, Richard

RICHARD KRAUSE was born in New York City. Two of his stories appeared in The Alembic and J Journal this past spring, and Hotel Amerika will publish some of his epigrams in the fall. His story collection, Studies in Insignificance, was published by Livingston Press in 2003. He lives in Kentucky, where he teaches at Somerset Community College.

Lababidi, Yahia

YAHIA LABABIDI is an internationally published writer of Egyptian-Lebanese origin. His essays and poems have appeared in journals world-wide. He is the author of a book of aphorisms, Signposts to Elsewhere (Jane Street Press, 2008), and he is the only contemporary Arab author to be included in the acclaimed encyclopedia, Geary’s Guide to the World’s Great Aphorists. An editor at UNESCO Cairo Office in Egypt for nearly a decade, Lababidi is currently a freelance writer based in the U.S.

Luno, Bianco

BIANCO LUNO is a philosopher living in the Puget Sound area. Some of his writings, edited by Victor Muñoz, can be found online at His weblog on moral theory is at

Reyes, Carlos V.

CARLOS V. REYES writes, “Trans-migrating. Manila, L.A., Berkeley, Dallas, Berkeley, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Manila, Vancouver,…? On the way to. 1970, 1985, 1987, 1993, 1995, 2005, 2007, 2008. Passing throughly. This one is called Carlos Reyes. Who? Writing is not living except when it is. Online fragments: mazemapping and alifeinhabits.”


SPURIOUS’ weblog can be found at

Vicari, Justin

JUSTIN VICARI’S first full-length collection of poetry, The Professional Weepers, won the 2007-2008 Transcontinental Poetry Award, and is due out early next year from Pavement Saw Press. He is also the author of the poetry chapbook, Siamese Twins of the 21st Century (West Town Press, 2008), and the translator of Woman Bathing Light to Dark: Prose Poems of Paul Eluard (Toad Press, 2006). His work appears in Southern Poetry Review, American Poetry Review, Fugue, Phoebe, Redactions, 32 Poems, Paper Street, Eclipse, Interim, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Modern Review and Disquieting Muses Quarterly, and is forthcoming in Rhino and The Ledge. In 2005, he received the Third Coast Poetry Award, the New Millennium Writings Poetry Award, and the Plan B Press Short Fiction Award.

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