
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Poem Fragments

Spring 2009 :: Current Issue

Contributors – Spring 2009

Arroyo, Rane

RANE ARROYO is author of The Buried Sea: New & Selected Poems and the forthcoming The Sky’s Weight. His The Roswell Poems has been nominated for prizes and it’s always amazing that one gets rewarded for being honest. The Buried Sea is also up for prizes; but the prize is that he still loves his man after 27 years.

Bach-Loreaux, Mary

MARY BACH-LOREAUX is a self-taught poet, writer, photographer and visual artist. Born in West Virginia, she lives in Ohio and is torn between being an Appalachian and an urban writer. After completing careers in special education, counseling and social work, she continues wrestling with old ghosts and integrating the streams and voices of her life and art.

Bulmer, April

APRIL BULMER has published six books of poetry and four chapbooks. Her most recent book is The Goddess Psalms (Serengeti Press). She has won numerous prizes for her poetry, and has been published in many journals including Harvard University’s Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, The Malahat Review, Arc, Event, York University’s Canadian Woman Studies and Contemporary Verse 2. Her work has also appeared in a number of Canadian and international anthologies. April has three Master’s Degrees in the area of creative writing and religious studies and is interested in feminist forms of spirituality. She lives in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. She can be contacted at aprilb(at)

Dresher, Olivia

OLIVIA DRESHER is a writer, anthologist and publisher. Her poetry, essays and notebook fragments have appeared in a wide variety of publications. She is the editor of In Pieces: An Anthology of Fragmentary Writing and co-editor of the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art. Her complete bio can be found at her website,

Estabrook, Michael

MICHAEL ESTABROOK writes, “As a poet, you are only as good as your next poem and like a surfer searching for that perfect wave, I am searching for that next perfect poem. What keeps me going, what keeps me moving forward as a poet, is my wife. After 37 years of marriage she is still not only the most beautiful woman I have ever known, but the most beautiful person I have ever known. If I find that perfect poem anywhere I’ll find it in her.”

Farber, Thomas

THOMAS FARBER is a recipient of Guggenheim, National Endowment, Rockefeller, Fulbright, and Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor fellowships. He is the author of works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and the epigrammatic, and is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of California, Berkeley. Visit

Goldstein, Richard Jay

RICHARD JAY GOLDSTEIN has been writing fiction and non-fiction for over a dozen years. His stories, essays, and poems have been published in 30-some literary and fantasy/sci-fi presses and he has received two Pushcart nominations. He and his wife—percussionist Polly Tapia Ferber—live in the mountains east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. They have two grown sons and two grand-daughters.

Greenwood, Kimble James

KIMBLE JAMES GREENWOOD has been writing personal journals for over 40 years and keeping Commonplace Books for over 30 years. He studies depth psychology, erotics and literature, and was a contributor to the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art, edited by Olivia Dresher and Victor Muñoz. He raises his son Pan in the shadow of the Olympic mountains.

Hetherington, Matt

MATT HETHERINGTON is a writer and musician based in Melbourne, Australia. His first poetry collection, Surface, was published by Precious Press in 2004, and his latest, I Think We Have, was published by Small Change Press (2007). He also writes reviews for the online journal, Cordite.

Huth, Geof

GEOF HUTH is a poet, visual and otherwise, who blogs about various poetries at dbqp: visualizing poetics. His latest book is a book / of poems / so small / I cannot / taste them.

Lefcowitz, Barbara F.

BARBARA F. LEFCOWITZ has published nine books of poetry as well as short fiction, essays, and individual poems in over 500 journals. She has won writing fellowships and prizes from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Maryland Arts Council, among others. She lives in Bethesda, Maryland, and is also a visual artist.

Malachi, Jim

JIM MALACHI is a graduate of Southern Oregon University with a degree in Fine and Performing Arts. He earns his living as an artist, writer and musician in the Pacific Northwest. Recently he has completed his first novella, “In All Ways,” a work of spiritual eroticism. His fragments can be read online at

Nelson, Eric

ERIC NELSON’s poems have appeared in Poetry, The Southern Review, Yankee, The Missouri Review, and many other journals. Book publications include a chapbook and three full-length collections, including The Interpretation of Waking Life (University of Arkansas Press, 1991) and Terrestrials (Texas Review Press, 2004), which won the 2003 X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize selected by Maxine Kumin. He is professor of Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern University, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in creative writing.

Reyes, Carlos V.

CARLOS V. REYES writes, “Trans-migrating. Manila, L.A., Berkeley, Dallas, Berkeley, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Manila, Vancouver,…? On the way to. 1970, 1985, 1987, 1993, 1995, 2005, 2007, 2008. Passing throughly. This one is called Carlos Reyes. Who? Writing is not living except when it is. Online fragments: mazemapping and alifeinhabits.”

Shapiro, Lynne

LYNNE SHAPIRO was born in New York City and raised in Southern California. Her work has appeared in various literary magazines in the United States and England, including Myslexia, Trespass, Hiss Quarterly, Qarrtsiluni, Switchback, and Umbrella. Later this year, her poems will appear in Ragged Sky Press’ Eating Her Wedding Dress: A Collection of Clothing Poems and Lost Horse Press’ Decomposition: An Anthology of Fungi Poetry. She lives in New Jersey, where she teaches at Hudson County Community College.

Sloat, Sarah J.

SARAH J. SLOAT grew up in New Jersey, and after university lived in China, Kansas and Italy. She now works as an editor for a news agency in Germany. Sarah’s poems have appeared in West Branch, Linebreak, Juked, and Barn Owl Review, among other publications. Her chapbook, In the Voice of a Minor Saint, was published by Tilt Press in early 2009. Her blog can be found at

Stein, Alex

ALEX STEIN is the author of Weird Emptiness: Essays and Aphorisms (Wings Press, 2007) and of the forthcoming memoir, Made-Up Interviews With Imaginary Artists (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2009).

Teuscher, Kevin

KEVIN TEUSCHER lives in Northern California and works with medicinal herbs. His poems have appeared in various online and print journals.

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