
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Poem Fragments

Spring 2009 :: Current Issue

2009 :: Issue 4/Spring :: Poem Fragments

The Devil’s Almanac

Eric Nelson

Snow like happiness
Shapes everything.
Then the melt,
The man’s head
Caving in on itself.


Beneath the heaviest stone
A worm can live.
But who wants to live
Like a worm?


Only someone who still has it
Can say
Hope is a curse.


What a strange piercing—
Hundreds of small birds,
Each shaped like an arrow
Flying in the shape of an arrow.


There’s no future in old age
But immortality
Never goes out of style.


History is written by the winners,
Literature by the losers.


Wind careens like a drunk,
Slamming doors one minute,
Shushing itself the next.


Reading Pound:
Some can.
Some cantos.


Happy memories
Are the saddest.


All night not rain but stars
Pour down. Red giants,
White dwarfs fill the garden,
The sky drained of its wishes.


Animals know what to do
With the dead—
Roll in them.


God’s humor:
What a 127 mile-per-hour wind
Does to a 55 mile-per-hour sign.


Love begins
Where heaven ends.


Like white robes
Egrets hang against the
Blackened wind, the
Enormous wall of wailing sky.
Very small white robes.


Love’s syllogism:
Her nipples are hard.
His cock is hard.
Love is hard.


Clouds sail into morning
Like galleons.
By noon a few ripped flags
Blow away.


It’s not the going home
That’s hard.
It’s the wanting to.


Before the wheel,
The basket.
Before the need to go
The urge to hold.


On a turd baked
White in the sun,
A butterfly rests.


It’s solitude if you like it.
Loneliness if you don’t.


Why oppose opposites?
A hammer pulls as well as drives.
Only what is buried grows.


The frog’s lament:
Sometimes everything
Seems so hopless.


The trees grow bald.
Leaves skitter
On the street like teeth.


God’s humor:
Lightning, then thunder.
The attack, then the warning.


Believe ghosts
Before angels.
Ghosts speak
From experience.


Darkness to wake to.
Darkness all day.
Between rains, clouds
Shaggy as wolves
Slip through the trees.
Muddy prints appear
On the floor.


Prayerless, the wounded
Cat heals itself
With its own rough tongue.


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