
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Haunting Memories

Fall 2009 :: Current Issue

Contributors – Fall 2009

Allen, Scott

SCOTT ALLEN lives in Los Angeles, California.

Canyon, Merina

MERINA CANYON wants nothing more than to drop her own personal story. At the same time, she adores good storytelling. She writes from her cottage in the Pacific Northwest where she contemplates why certain stories call to her. She spends the rainy season teaching writing and dreaming of blue skies and red rock canyons. She is currently at work on a journal of spiritual breakdown and a collection of short stories.

Chapko, Bill

BILL CHAPKO is an aphorist who earns a living as a chiropractor in Naples, Italy. He grew up in suburban New Jersey and received a B.A. in Philosophy from New York University in 1969. Since 1981 he has shared a happy family life in Italy with his American wife and their four home-schooled children. He greatly enjoys living in foreign cultures. His websites can be found at:,, and

Coltin, Stephen Wallace

STEPHEN WALLACE COLTIN was born in 1978 and is an aphorist living just north of Boston. Meditating freely on themes including pride, truth, understanding, and determinism, his words are intended to be taken less (or more) than literally; hence the title of his ongoing work, “Grains of Salt.” He considers Jesus, Seneca, La Rochefoucauld, and Nietzsche among his primary literary and philosophical influences.

Connolly, Wm. Anthony

WM. ANTHONY CONNOLLY writes lyric essays and has just completed a memoir, “The Eight Leaves.” In December 2009 he will graduate with a Ph.D. in English and from there… who knows. He is an inveterate journal writer and is compiling a book of fragments from his almost two decades long habit. For more information, visit

Dresher, Olivia

OLIVIA DRESHER is a writer, anthologist and publisher. Her poetry, essays and notebook fragments have appeared in a wide variety of publications. She is the editor of In Pieces: An Anthology of Fragmentary Writing and co-editor of the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art. Her complete bio can be found at her website,

Goldstein, Richard Jay

RICHARD JAY GOLDSTEIN has been writing fiction and non-fiction for over a dozen years. His stories, essays, and poems have been published in 30-some literary and fantasy/sci-fi presses and he has received two Pushcart nominations. He and his wife—percussionist Polly Tapia Ferber—live in the mountains east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. They have two grown sons and two grand-daughters.

Goodman, Richard

RICHARD GOODMAN is the author of The Soul of Creative Writing and French Dirt: The Story of a Garden in the South of France. His website can be found at

Helfgott, Esther Altshul

ESTHER ALTSHUL HELFGOTT is a non-fiction writer and poet with a Ph.D. in history from the University of Washington. She curates the It’s About Time Writers Reading Series at the Seattle Public Library and facilitates the women’s writing group “Poeming the Silence.” Her work appears in numerous journals, including Maggid: A Journal of Jewish Literature; American Imago: Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences; HistoryLink; and the Journal of Poetry Therapy. She writes a blog on Alzheimer’s for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Her website can be found at

McCarter, Andrew T.

ANDREW T. McCARTER lives in Monterey, California, and is an executive editor of test questions. His website can be found at

Moore, Greggory

GREGGORY MOORE is a lifelong SoCal resident residing in Long Beach, where he is copy editor and writer for The District Weekly and columnist for He is looking to publish his first novel, “The Use of Regret,” later this year.

Piazza, Lisa

LISA PIAZZA studied Creative Writing at Mills College in Oakland, California. Currently she teaches writing to children and teenagers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Somehow she finds time to pin down some words between changing diapers and playing dollhouse with her two young daughters.

Reyes, Carlos V.

CARLOS V. REYES writes, “Trans-migrating. Manila, L.A., Berkeley, Dallas, Berkeley, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Manila, Vancouver,…? On the way to. 1970, 1985, 1987, 1993, 1995, 2005, 2007, 2008. Passing throughly. This one is called Carlos Reyes. Who? Writing is not living except when it is. Online fragments: mazemapping and alifeinhabits.”

Sloat, Sarah J.

SARAH J. SLOAT grew up in New Jersey, and after university lived in China, Kansas and Italy. She now works as an editor for a news agency in Germany. Sarah’s poems have appeared in West Branch, Linebreak, Juked, and Barn Owl Review, among other publications. Her chapbook, In the Voice of a Minor Saint, was published by Tilt Press in early 2009. Her blog can be found at

Tallman, A. J.

A. J. TALLMAN is a writer, editor, and musician living in Philadelphia.

Wilson, Mary Jarrett

MARY JARRETT WILSON is originally from Pennsylvania. She received her B.A. in English from Penn State University, where she was an Arts writer for The Daily Collegian. Her work has appeared in and the online literary quarterly, Wild Violet. She recently completed a full-length novel. She lives in Vermont with her husband and two children.

Witt, Chad

CHAD WITT (1971-2000) was a writer and artist who spent most of his life in California, later settling in Seattle. A book of Witt’s poetry, Bright Desert, was published in 2008; the collection was transcribed and edited by Meade Crane, a Seattle musician who was Chad’s friend for twelve years. More information about Chad Witt can be found at

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