
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Micro Essays

Spring 2010 :: Current Issue

Contributors – Spring 2010

Aldrich, Marcia

MARCIA ALDRICH teaches creative writing at Michigan State University. She is the author of Girl Rearing, published by W.W. Norton and part of the Barnes and Noble Discover New Writers Series. She has had essays appear in The Best American Essays, The Beacon Book of Essays by Contemporary American Women, and a wide range of literary magazines such as The North American Review, The Seneca Review, and The Gettysburg Review. She is the senior editor of Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction.

Dailey, Sara

SARA DAILEY’s writing has appeared in Bitter Oleander, Cimarron Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Whiskey Island Magazine, Calyx, Ascent, and Splinter Generation. Her chapbook, The Science of Want, recently won Shadow Poetry’s chapbook competition. She works in a university library.

Farber, Thomas

THOMAS FARBER is a recipient of Guggenheim, National Endowment, Rockefeller, Fulbright, and Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor fellowships. He is the author of works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and the epigrammatic, and is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of California, Berkeley. Visit

Gay, Pamela

PAMELA GAY teaches Flash Fiction at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Her writing has been published in Iowa Review Web, Other Voices (CA), Paterson Literary Review, Vestal Review, BOGG: Journal of Contemporary Writing, Neotrope: Progressive Fiction, Phoebe, Sleet, and Le Forum. She is the recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) fellowship and national e-book award for creative narrative nonfiction, and has also received grants from the New York State Council of the Arts (NYSCA) for installations based on her writing.

Greenwood, Kimble James

KIMBLE JAMES GREENWOOD has been writing personal journals for over 40 years and keeping Commonplace Books for over 30 years. He studies depth psychology, erotics and literature, and was a contributor to the anthology Darkness and Light: Private Writing as Art, edited by Olivia Dresher and Victor Muñoz. He raises his son Pan in the shadow of the Olympic mountains.

Jourdan, Pierre-Albert

PIERRE-ALBERT JOURDAN (1924-1981) has long been one of the best-kept secrets of French literature. His collected writings have been published in two volumes: Les Sandales de paille (1987) and Le Bonjour et l’adieu (1991). John Taylor, the translator of Jourdan’s The Straw Sandals, is the author of the two-volume Paths to Contemporary French Literature and Into the Heart of European Poetry. He has also written five books of stories, short prose, and poetry. He writes the “Poetry Today” column in the Antioch Review, and is a regular contributor to the Times Literary Supplement, Context, the Yale Review, and the Michigan Quarterly Review. He lives in France.

Kirschenbaum, Sara

SARA KIRSCHENBAUM is a writer and artist living in Portland, Oregon. She has been published in Fiction International, Kalliope, Mothering Magazine, The Oregonian, Poetica, Portland Parent, Portland Tribune, and in the anthology Escaping the Yellow Wallpaper. She has been a commentator for NPR’s Marketplace and has published on Currently she is seeking a publisher for her memoir. She can be reached through her website:

Liebert, Daniel

DANIEL LIEBERT works in a range of short forms, from aphorism to haiku-senryr to one-line jokes. He has been published in The Yale Review, Barrow Street, Michigan Quarterly Review, The London Review, and in Geary’s Guide to the World’s Great Aphorists. He lives in Elizabethtown, Illinois.

May, Simon

SIMON MAY is a philosopher and writer who has taught at Birkbeck College, University of London, for many years. He is the author of Nietzsche’s Ethics and his War on ‘Morality’ and other philosophical works. His aphorisms are included in Geary’s Guide to the World’s Great Aphorists, and his book Thinking Aloud: A Collection of Aphorisms was selected by the Financial Times as one of its Books of the Year for 2009.

Reyes, Carlos V.

CARLOS V. REYES writes, “Trans-migrating. Manila, L.A., Berkeley, Dallas, Berkeley, Minneapolis, Vancouver, Manila, Vancouver,…? On the way to. 1970, 1985, 1987, 1993, 1995, 2005, 2007, 2008. Passing throughly. This one is called Carlos Reyes. Who? Writing is not living except when it is. Online fragments: mazemapping and alifeinhabits.”

Rotella, Alexis

ALEXIS ROTELLA’s work has appeared in Beneath a Single Moon (Shambhala), The Haiku Anthology (Norton), and dozens of other anthologies. She is a well-recognized writer of Japanese poetry forms in English. Her latest book, Lip Prints, is available from Modern English Tanka Press. Musical Chairs: A Haiku Journey through Childhood can be read for free at

Ruggieri, Helen

HELEN RUGGIERI lives in Olean, New York. Her essays have been published in Simply Haiku, Cream City Review, The Heartlands (and in their Best of the Decade issue), and in How I Learned to Cook (an anthology about mothers published by Plume/Tarcher). Her website can be found at

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