
an online magazine of fragmentary writing


Bibliography of Published Fragmentary Writing

Compiled by Lauren Albert and Olivia Dresher

I. Works on Fragments

Agamben, Giorgio.

Potentialities. Trans. Daniel Heller-Roazen. Stanford University Press. Meridian. 1999.

August, Marilyn-Ann.

A Study of the Modern Autobiographical Fragment: Writing as Self-Affirmation in the Works of Francis Ponge, Michel Leiris and Roland Barthes. Thesis (Ph.D.). Columbia University. 1982.

Balakian, Anna.

“Fragments on Reality by Baudelaire and Breton.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 101-109.

Balfour, Ian.

“’The Whole is the Untrue’: On the Necessity of the Fragment After Adorno.” In The Fragment: An Incomplete History. Edited by William Tronzo. Gerry Research Institute Publications Program. 2009. 82-91.

Baudrillard, Jean.

Fragments. Trans. Chris Turner. Routledge, NY & London, 2004.

Beitchman, Philip.

“The Fragmentary Word.” SubStance No. 39, 1983.

Bensmaia, Reda.

The Barthes Effect: The Essay as Reflective Text. University of Minnesota Press. 1987.

Bernstein, Roberta and Jasper Johns.

“An Interview with Jasper Johns.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 279-290.

Bishop, Tom and Alain Robbe-Grillet.

“A Conversation with Robbe-Grillet.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 291-298.

Black, Joel.

“The Aesthetics of Gender: Zeuxis’ Maidens and the Hermaphroditic Ideal.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 189-209.

Brand, Roy.

“Schlegel’s Fragmentary Project.” Epoche. 9:1 (Fall 2004). Pg. 37-52.

Bree, Germaine.

“Contours, Fragments, Gaps: The World of Marguerite Duras.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 267-276.

Charney, Hanna.

“Dream Gaps in Cinematic Language: Rohmer’s The Marquise of O and Resnais’s Providence.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 257-66.

Clark, Timothy.

“Modern Transformation of German Romanticism: Blanchot and Derrida on the Fragment, the Aphorism and the Architectural.” Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory. 15:3. Oxford University Press. 1992.

Critchley, Simon.

Very Little— Almost Nothing: Death, Philosophy, Literature. Routledge. New York & London. 1997.

Cunningham, David.

“A Question of Tomorrow: Blanchot, Surrealism and the Time of the Fragment.” Papers of Surrealism. Issue 1. Winter 2003.

Dallenbach, Lucien.

“Du fragment au cosmos.” Poetique. v. 40 (1979). 420-31.

Damisch, Hubert.

“La partie et le tout.” Revue d’esthetique. v. 23. (1970). 168-88.

Day, Jean.

“Enter the Fragment: Notes on Andrew Levy.” Online.

Dillon, Brian.

“The Pleasure of Aphorisms.” Frieze. Issue 74. April 4, 2003. Online.

Donato, Eugenio.

“The Ruins of Memory: Archeological Fragments and Textual Artifacts.” Modern Language Notes. v. 93. (1978). 575-98.

Doubrovsky, Serge.

“Statements on Amour-Propre: From Lacan to La Rochefoucauld.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 141-161.

Elias, Camelia.

“Clowns of Potentiality: Repetition and Resolution in Gertrude Stein and Emil Cioran.” Cercles 14 (2005). 41-57. Online.

Elias, Camelia.

“The Fragment” and “Ten Theses on the Fragment.” Respiro.
Issue 10. Online.

Elias, Camelia.

The Fragment: Towards a History and Poetics of a Performative Genre. Peter Lang. 2004.

Freeman, G. Henry, Ed.

Discontinuity and Fragmentation (French Literature Series).
Editions Rodopi (January 1, 1994).

Frey, Hans-Jost.

Interruptions. (SUNY Series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory) SUNY Press. 1996.

Galay, Jean-Louis.

“Problemes de l’oeuvre fragmentale: Valery.” Poetique. v. 31. (1977). 337-67.

Garrigue, P.

Poetiques du Fragment. Klincksieck (November 1, 1995).

Gasche, Rudolph.

“Foreward.” Philosophical Fragments by Friedrich Schlegel. Translated by Peter Firchow. University of Minnesota Press. 1991.

Greenleaf, Monika.

“The Romantic Fragment.” In Pushkin and Romantic Fashion: Fragment, Elegy, Orient, Irony. Stanford U.P. 1994.

Hoagland, Tony.

“Fragment, Juxtaposition, and Completeness: Some Notes and Preferences.” The Cortland Review. Issue 33. August 2006. Online.

Hoy, David Couzens.

“Philosophy as Rigorous Philology? Nietzsche and Poststructuralism.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 171-185.

Josipovici, Gabriel.

“Linearity and Fragmentation.” In The Lessons of Modernism and Other Essays. MacMillan Press. 1987. 124-139.

Kay, Arthur.

“The Dismantled Man: Diddler and Victim.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 223-233.

Kenshur, Oscar S.

“Fragments and Order: Two Modern Theories of Discontinuous Form.” Papers on Language and Literature. Summer 1981. 17:3.

Kermode, Frank.

“Fragments and Ruins.” History and Value. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1988. Pgs. 128-146.

Kraus, Carl H.

“Excursions of the Mind: Toward a Poetics of Uncertainty in the Disjunctive Essay.” In What Do I Know: Reading, Writing, and Teaching the Essay. Edited by Janis Forman. Boynton/Cook. 1995. 39-53.

Kritzman, Lawrence D.

“Rabelais’s Splintered Voyage.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 53-70.

Kritzman, Lawrence D. and Jeanine Parisier Plottel (eds).

In Fragments—Incompletion and Discontinuity. New York Literary Forum, 1981. Vol. 8-9.

Krystal, Arthur.

“Too True: The Art of the Aphorism.” Harpers, Feb. 2008.

Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe and Jean-Luc, Nancy.

The Literary Absolute, trans. Philip Barnard and Cheryl Lester (Albany, 1988).

Levinson, Marjorie.

The Romantic Fragment Poem. Chapel Hill. 1986.

Lichtenstein, Jacqueline.

“The Fragment: Elements of a Definition.” In The Fragment: An Incomplete History. Edited by William Tronzo. Gerry Research Institute Publications Program. 2009. 114-129.

McFarland, Thomas.

Romanticism and the Forms of Ruin: Wordsworth, Coleridge and Modalities of Fragmentation. Princeton U.P. 1981.

McHugh, Heather.

Broken English: Poetry and Partiality. Wesleyan. 1993.

Meckel, Christoph.

Ueber das Fragmentarische.” Franz Steiner Verlag. 1978.

Meisel, Perry.

“Mapping Barthelme’s ‘Paraguay.'” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 129-138.

Moret, Philippe.

“Pour un Definition Stilistique de la Notion de Fragment.” Etudes de Lettres. 4. October-December 1995. 151-162. Switzerland: Laussane-Dorigny.

Morson, Gary Saul.

“The Aphorism: Fragments from the Breakdown of Reason.” New Literary History. Volume 34, Number 3, Summer 2003, pp. 409-429.

Moser, Walter.

“Fragment and Encyclopedia: From Borges to Novalis” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 111-128.

Most, Glenn W.

“On Fragments.” In The Fragment: An Incomplete History. Edited by William Tronzo. Gerry Research Institute Publications Program. 2009. 8-20.

Most, Glenn W.

“A la recherche du texte perdu. On Collecting Philosophical Fragments,” in W. Burkert, L. Gemelli Marciano, E. Matelli, L. Orelli, ed., Fragmentsammlungen philosophischer Texte der Antike. Le raccolte dei frammenti di filosofi antichi. Atti del Seminario Internazionale Ascona, Centro Stefano Fanscini 22-27 Settembre 1996. Aporemata 3 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1998), pp. 1-15.

Most, Glenn W., Ed.

Collecting fragments = Fragmente sammeln. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen 1997 (Aporemata, Bd. 1).

Mukarovsky, Jan.

“The Concept of the Whole in Art.” In Structure, Sign, and Function. Translated and edited by John Burbank and Peter Steiner. Yale University Press. 1978.

Nochlin, Linda.

The Body in Pieces: The Fragment as a Metaphor of Modernity. Thames & Hudson. 2001.

Ostermann, Eberhard.

Das Fragment. Geschichte einer asthetischen idee. Munich, Fink, 1991.

Pierssens, Michel.

“Detachment.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 163-170.

Rajan, Balachandra.

The Form of the Unfinished: English Poetics from Spenser to Pound. Princeton University Press. 1985.

Rendall, Steven.

“In Disjointed Parts/Par articles decousus.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 71-83.

Renoir, Alain.

“Fragment: An Oral-Formulaic Nondefinition.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 39-50.

Revell, Donald.

“Better Unsaid: On Poetic Fragments.” The American Poetry Review. July/August 1996. Online.

Rosand, David.

“Composition/Decomposition/Recomposition: Notes on the Fragmentary and the Artistic Process.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 17-30.

Sarris, Andrew.

“‘Reading’ a Film.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 251-256.

Schor, Naomi.

“Duane Hanson: Truth in Sculpture.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 235-248.

Schuller, Marianne.

Romanschlusse in der Romantik: zum fruhromant. Problem von Universalitat und Fragment. Fink. 1974.

Scroggins, Mark.

“A Fragmentary Poetics.” Part I. 11/4/02. Online.

Scroggins, Mark.

“A Fragmentary Poetics.” Part II. 12/17/02. Online.

Shattuck, Roger.

“The Alphabet and the Junkyard.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 31-38.

Strathman, Christopher A.

Romantic Poetry and the Fragmentary Imperative: Schlegel, Byron, Joyce, Blanchot. SUNY Press. 2006.

Surius, Helene.

“Roland Barthes et la sceÌ€ne de l’écriture : vers le fragment.” Eidolon. Talence, France. 41. 1993.

Susini, Anastopoulos Francois.

L’Ecriture Fragmentaire: Definitions et Enjeaux. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1997.

Thomas, Sophie.

“A Review of The Fragment: Towards a History and Poetics of a Performative Genre by Camelia Elias.” Hyperion. 3:3. June 2008.

Thomas, Sophie.

Romanticism and Visuality: Fragments, History, Spectacle. (Routledge Studies in Romanticism). Routledge. 2007.

Tronzo, William.

“On Fragments.” In The Fragment: An Incomplete History. Edited by William Tronzo. Gerry Research Institute Publications Program, 2009. 8-20.

Tytell, John.

“Epiphany in Chaos: Fragmentation in Modernism.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 3-15.

Undank, Jack.

“Diderot’s Egg: Life, Death and Other Things in Pieces.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 85-97.

Ungar, Steven.

“Parts and Holes: Heraclitus/Nietzsche/Blanchot.” Substance. vol. 14. (1976). 126-41.

Verstraete, Ginette.

Fragments of the Feminine Sublime in Friedrich Schlegel and James Joyce. Suny Series on the Sublime. SUNY Press. Albany. 1998.

Waelti-Walters, Jennifer R.

“He Asked for Her Hand in Marriage–of the Fragmentation of Women.” In Kritzman and Plottel (eds). 211-222.

Wanning Harries, Elizabeth.

The Unfinished Manner: Essays on the Fragment in the Later Eighteenth Century. University Press of Virginia. Charlottesville. 1994.

Watt, Daniel.

Fragmentary Futures: Blanchot, Becket, Coetzee. Axis Series. InkerMan Press. 2009.

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